Artistic Expressions: Communication Through Art
The power of movement, of art, of word - both spoken and written; all have the ability to impact every life. It has the ability to mean something different to each and every person that it touches. Just as dance has the power to bring light into the darkness where the audience sits; so does even the simplest movement, step have the ability to bring about the desired change we want to see in our lives, in the lives of our surrounding communities; in the lives of the entire world. So, just as watching a dancers illuminate the darkness; allow the light within you to illuminate everything around you reaching to every part of the world as if there were no limits and nothing holding you back.
©Kristian McElroy
©Kristian McElroy
When looking at Madonna and child do you feel comforted? Do you feel loved? Picture someone or something holding you, whether you are young or old, because you are loved. In light and in darkness there is never the absence of love. Love carries comfort and support. Love offers you more strength to keep fighting forward. Love offers hope and healing. Even in the moments where you don't feel worthy of it, love still surrounds you helping you survive the darkness and pain that might be present in the world. Love is you. Love is me. Love is God. Love is nature and everything that is in this world. Love can build peace as we try to hold hands comforting each other while trying to promote change through the love we offer each other no matter what our differences might be.
©Kristian McElroy
When we talk, we hope others are listening. When we are trying to express our thoughts, our ideas; we hope our words convey and give the right kind of justice. Words have the power to change a life. Words also have the power to change the world. The greatest speakers throughout history have used words that made a mark in history and still to this day, impact the very lives on this earth. Words can hurt and cause damage. Words can comfort and support. Words can make things come alive. Words can make a difference. What if the words we all express came out as bright colors spreading across every person in the world creating the greatest light that will break through all the darkness that exists in our world? Would that be the change we hope for? Would it be the end to violence, war, discrimination? If you knew that every word could make a difference no matter who you are, rich or poor, extrovert or introvert, happy or struggling; if you knew you had the ability to change a life, a community, the world - would you allow you words to come out as color and spread like a wild fire burning through the darkness so the beginning of peace, love, and justice can begin in every spot and corner of the world. This is the power of communication in color.